Live, Laugh and Lose Weight with Shane Diet & Fitness Resorts

Wholly banana balls – it’s May!  Now, normally I’d be excited about the warmer weather and getting outdoors, but as we all know with warmer weather comes BATHING SUIT SEASON.  Now I’m not saying that I’ve put on some weight during the winter, but, ok – I’ve put on some weight during the winter.  And, while a lot of us may not be ready to model a two piece this year, we can certainly get a jump start on next year with a little help from Shane Diet & Fitness Resorts.  Who knows, we may even be able to unveil a healthier, leaner body by Labor Day!

Here’s how the program works:

Each summer, participants from all over the world come together to practice the art of self-care by increasing their motivation to build a healthy lifestyle; losing weight in the process.  This program is best suited for people who:

        Are looking for a jumpstart with weight loss
        Want to immerse themselves into healthy habits with like-minded people
        Want to lose weight but don’t know where to start
        Have tried to lose weight and failed
        Have lost the weight, but gained it back
        Are tired of yo-yo dieting and fad diets
        Are tired of rigid diets and weight loss programs
        Want to break out of old and self-defeating habits
        Have experienced weight-related health issues and want to learn about healthier living
        Know how to lose weight, but feel that a supportive atmosphere and change of scenery will make it easier and more fun
        Are in generally good health but want to improve some aspect of their wellness
        Have found success with Shane programs before and attend for a refresher and spike in motivation
        Want to help their families or loved ones live a healthy lifestyle and want to be a positive example

Because of Shane’s historic and outstanding reputation in the weight loss industry since 1968, weight loss is the most common reason that people fly from all corners of the world to attend this summer residential program for anywhere from one to ten weeks. Others, even if they only wish to let go of a few extra pounds, will still attend the program to regain motivation, learn about health and build a healthier lifestyle for themselves and their families.

Ziporah Janowski, owner and founder of Shane Diet & Fitness Resorts, further explains the program’s main objective: “Shane understands what our guests are seeking:  first and always - weight loss. We are born of the country's first, longest running and most successful children's weight loss camp - Camp Shane - so we know a thing or two about weight loss. And, because we are and always have been family owned and operated and not run by a big company, we bring a personal touch. We offer routines that are peaceful, fun, non-intimidating, and effective during the guest's’ stay.”

We team up with Shane to host all kinds of different people in the lush atmosphere of the Catskill mountains. The guests range in ages from 18 - 75 and we even host full families who have come to Shane Diet & Fitness Resorts at Honor’s Haven to lose weight together. They go on hikes and nature walks through our 200 acres at the foothills of the Shawangunk Mountain Range, swim and practice aqua aerobics in our indoor and outdoor pools and enjoy Shane workout classes in our spacious fitness facilities.

Honor's Haven Resort & Spa can be found nestled at the foothills of the
Shawangunk Mountains, the gateway to the Catskills in upstate New York.

Fitness Center at Honor's Haven Resort & Spa

Shane Diet & Fitness Resort guests also enjoy weekly trips to local attractions such as the beautiful and relaxing Minnewaska State Park, the refreshing and exhilarating ice caves at Sam’s point and more. At the end of an activity-packed day, Shane guests are welcome to relax in our saunas, steam rooms and hot tubs.

Shane Diet & Fitness Resort guests visiting the Sam's Point Preserve area of Minnewaska State Park.

Keep in mind that Shane Diet & Fitness Resorts is focused on one major objective: your health. The program is built around five cornerstones that make it weight-loss successful. The cornerstones are nutrition, behavioral change, exercise, wellness and the Shane experience.

The nutrition cornerstone acknowledges that when we deprive ourselves of something, we only want it more! Shane Diet & Fitness Resorts looks at food from a unique angle which makes it different than a traditional boot camp. In a traditional boot camp setting, you fight through deprivation, usually only to gain back the weight later. Shane acknowledges that when we deprive ourselves, this weight gain is inevitable. Shane instead promotes delicious food that is healthy, low calorie, and satisfying. It seems too good to be true, but when you eat natural, whole foods, they are often low calorie (which for us means, you can fill your plate!) Also, these foods are full of fiber and nutrients, which leaves you satisfied and feeling fuller longer. This can help to eliminate cravings for those processed, sugary, hard-to-digest foods that we are so accustomed to eating.

Not only does Shane provide unique meals, snacks, and desserts for every guest, but their trained professionals will also teach you how to make them. Guests will benefit from twice-weekly culinary lessons, as well as twice-weekly nutrition lectures. This way guests can return home not just lighter from losing weight, but full from all the knowledge they gained.

The behavioral change cornerstone is built upon the foundation of cognitive behavioral therapy. Trained professionals at Shane will work with each guest on breaking down the old and self-sabotaging habits, and replacing them with new, fresh, and helpful ones. Not only do guests have the option for individual cognitive behavioral therapy sessions, but they also have the option to sit in group sessions to help learn and relate to the struggles that can come up when making such a courageous life change.

As for the exercise cornerstone, Shane Diet & Fitness Resorts offers a huge selection of fitness activities and classes through their highly-trained fitness professionals. Guests can choose from a variety of activities, including: swim, dance fitness, spin, yoga, hiking, cardio classes, boot camp, water aerobics, stretch, tennis, Pilates and more. Shane even offers classes on breathing, relaxation, and how to de-stress your busy life at home. All classes are taught by qualified professionals, and are modified according to the guests’ particular body type, limitations, or past injuries.

The wellness cornerstone helps Shane guests focus on their overall wellbeing through meditation, mindfulness training, sleep workshops and so much more.  What the guests learn is that weight loss and wellness go hand in hand.  Your body won’t let go of the weight if you are stressed and not sleeping well!  Shane helps create an atmosphere of calm and peacefulness that guests say stays with them when they leave.

Finally, the Shane Experience cornerstone focuses on what makes Shane Diet & Fitness Resorts different than other weight loss programs. Shane sets itself apart with its encouraging, safe, and caring atmosphere. Shane’s trainers, nutritionists and coaches understand the challenges that go along with losing weight, and many of them have gone through the transformation themselves. Guests experience an uplifting and supportive environment that is motivating and confidence-building.

A typical day at Shane Diet Resorts begins with a gentle morning activity to get the body moving, such as a walk or a gentle yoga class. This is followed by a hearty and nourishing breakfast that varies daily. Then guests will get to experience fitness classes that vary daily, as well as a workshop on topics like conquering cravings, de-stressing, or re-forming habits. A delicious and well-deserved lunch follows and is served in our elegant dining room, surrounded by views of lush green mountains and clear blue sky. After lunch, guests have options to attend cooking and nutrition classes, different fitness classes, or specially-planned activities. A satisfying and nourishing dinner follows these activities, and the night ends with a fun and relaxing night activity and an evening snack.  

This is the ninth season of Honor’s Haven hosting Shane Diet & Fitness Resorts’ program.  It is a strong partnership and one we hope to see continue in its quiet but deep success for its guests. 

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